Finding Stevie
Stevie Pointer went suddenly missing today in the UWSP library. He could be on any of the six floors in the library. Follow us through our adventures through the LRC.
The first clue led us to the first floor and more specifically the shark in the lobby which next led us to the museum of Natural History.
The Pacific Golden Plover egg gave us our first letter, which was A. |
The next clue led us to the third floor where we found the CDs. The first letter of the artist name on the CD was R for the Rolling Stones. |
FREE THE BOUND PERIODICALS was the phrase we had to repeat on the second floor in order to recieve the next letter which was E. |
The next clue was on the fifth floor. We had to locate the purple paw which led us to the answer and letters SI.
While many other classmates stood around trying to figure out what "scanning the books" meant, we found the clue near a pile of Charlie Chaplin books on the fourth floor. The letter C was our second to last letter that we needed to unscramble the location where Stevie Pointer is.
We had to find out which World Champion dog show had the logo of a Pointer. The Westminster gave us our last letter which was V.
Finally we got to the point where we unscrambled the letters and discovered Stevie Pointer went missing in the archives.
It was there where we found a sad old Stevie Pointer head.