Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Finding Stevie

Finding Stevie

Stevie Pointer went suddenly missing today in the UWSP library. He could be on any of the six floors in the library. Follow us through our adventures through the LRC.

The first clue led us to the first floor and more specifically the shark in the lobby which next led us to the museum of Natural History.

The Pacific Golden Plover egg gave us our first letter, which was A.  

The next clue led us to the third floor where we found the CDs. The first letter of the artist name on the CD was R for the Rolling Stones.

FREE THE BOUND PERIODICALS was the phrase we had to repeat on the second floor in order to recieve the next letter which was E.

 The next clue was on the fifth floor. We had to locate the purple paw which led us to the answer and letters SI.

While many other classmates stood around trying to figure out what "scanning the books" meant, we found the clue near a pile of Charlie Chaplin books on the fourth floor. The letter C was our second to last letter that we needed to unscramble the location where Stevie Pointer is.
We had to find out which World Champion dog show had the logo of a Pointer. The Westminster gave us our last letter which was V.
Finally we got to the point where we unscrambled the letters and discovered Stevie Pointer went missing in the archives.
It was there where we found a sad old Stevie Pointer head.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Journal #6

Journal #6 : The Walking Dead Series, Not My First Pick

The Walking Dead is a newer Television Series on cable. With only three seasons under its belt, it is doing better than most shows. What attracts people to this show? The answer is one that has been rising in our everyday lives; Flesh Eating Zombies.

This does not look entertaining to me..
The recent obsession with zombies and the zombie apocalypse has taken over movies and society the past couple years. Could the obsession come from the allegations that the world is going to end or the fact that people are just getting so bored with their lives? I do not understand society's recent attraction to zombies and I frankly do not care to. The whole article, the author, Zach Handlend is talking about the newest season and how exciting it is compared to the last one. I have seen one episode of The Walking Dead and despised it, however, my family loves it.  I hated seeing blood and gross deformed humans trying to eat and attack other humans. I also do not like the fact that the main characters turn on each other and end up hurting or even killing each other.

This article is great for those who are up to date with the TV series, but for those of you like me who disapprove of such shows, the article will be hard to understand and not worth your time. I would love to hear about what others have to say about the show since it is so popular. To read more go to ...,88466/

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Brief Screening Report

Brief screening report

Into The Wild
I believe the opening scene is among one of the most important scenes portrayed from the film Into the Wild. It starts the movie off in what is presumed, a couple seconds later, to be the dream of a mother. In the dream, a dark blurry young man is saying “mom” repeatedly in a dark room until suddenly the scene changes to a dark room when the woman wakes up in terror crying. This dream must have been reoccurring because the woman says “I wasn't dreaming this time, Walt”, Walt being her husband and the father.  She continued to shake and cry saying “I heard him, I head him, I head Chris”. This is when I realized the young man in the starting was most likely the main character. This scene is important for the character because in future scenes you see he is alive and the film is ultimately about his life. This beginning told me that either the man in the film is lost in the wilderness somewhere… or dead. The mother continues to say she heard him and wasn't imagining it. The last piece of dialogue in that scene was “I know Billie”, this is when I realized the mothers name is Billy.  You can tell that this scene is also important by the way it abruptly starts the film and then all of a sudden switches over to a scene with the main character. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Realism vs. Anti-Realism vs. Verisimilitude

Realism vs. Anti-Realism vs. Verisimilitude

Realism described in the readings, is sort of an illusion of the real world. It goes off our combination of senses and our understanding of how the outside world works. An example of a movie conveying realism is the movie Rent because the characters, scenes and everyday lives of these characters are revealed as real and true to the audience. Anti-realism, just as it sounds is the opposite of realism and conveys the non-real, fanatic aspect. A movie / show example of anti-realism is SpongeBob Square Pants. We all know that a sponge and starfish cannot be best friends under the sea and live in a realistic like community. Verisimilitude is when a movie has fanatic or unreal characteristics but appeals to the audience as true and it sort of “tricks” us into believing that what is occurring in the movie could actually occur in life. An example of a movie with verisimilitude is inception. I believed that we could enter another world through dreaming while watching the movie, but my experiences in the real world override this fantasy like thought.

The majority of movies in the genre of horror depict a theme of a scared civilian vs. psychopath. When I think of horror movies, I think of a crazy person with some kind of weapon, usually a knife, striving throughout the whole movie to catch and kill somebody or somebodies. These movies get to us through realism. Because horror movies portray real people in real like situations, people often feel some type of fear off these movies. The women in these movies are often the alone helpless victims, often with a low cut shirt or sex appeal. The men in these movies are either the killer, the person brutally murdered, or the savior. The man who saves the day in movies are often seen as sexy, strong, and brave. The psychopathic killer is often looked at as creepy. The man who gets brutally murdered in the movie is often a wimpy, insecure, and typical “first to get killed” looking characters. The scenes in these types of movies are often associated throughout the genre. The dark stormy night is almost always portrayed in these films. Another scene associated with horror is the creepy mansion in the middle or nowhere that victims get caught. The typical “my car won’t start” or “the car is out of gas” let me go find help, is often a line heard in these movies as well. Wheatear it be the character type, or the scene, horror movies are generally easily distinguishable. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Journal #4: Peculiar Parade

Journal #4: Peculiar Parade

One of the many strange "acts" at the parade

While scrolling through articles for over a half hour, my eyes and attention stuck to one title in particular; Stoners, Segways and some Horrible, Horrible Nudity. I thought to myself, what could this article possibly be about?

The article was about the obscure and bizarre crowd of fans gathered at a parade that was held on Halloween in honor or the Giants World Series victory over the Detroit Tigers. I was not even aware who was in the World Series prior to reading the article. I was also unaware of how peculiar Giants fans are and the ways they celebrate.

The "Pope" even attended
the event!
Katie Baker, the author or the article, attended the parade and her article encompassed all things weird that she experienced. The title of the article mentions only a few of the abnormalities present at the parade. Other abnormalities include Political signs supporting baby mutilation and prop 37, a pope drinking beer, a dude and his parrot, and “Gangnam Style”.  You could tell Baker was just as annoyed with the crazy crowd as she was weirded out.

If the Brewers won the World Series, I do not believe Milwaukee would be as chaotic as San Francisco was on Halloween. There would probably be a lot more alcohol, a lot less marijuana, and a lot less strange people. However, if this was football I believe dedicated Packer fans could maybe scale up to Giants fans. California has different laws than Wisconsin including Medical marijuana, which would not be as openly smoked here in WI than in CA. I believe the author was rather harsh on the word “stoners” in the title, because of the fact that marijuana is acceptable “medicine” in California

Nothing says "Go Giants" like a Tomato Fish
The author should have considered adding the fact that US Election Day was less than a week away. This would explain the political factors that were present at the parade. Prop 37, a proposition in CA on GM foods, was expressed by two men holding a big sign with a “tomato fish” and a face hole in the middle of the fish so you could enjoy a picture while routing for your favorite baseball team.  Although I strongly support prop 37, I find this just as strange as Baker.

The crowd was getting antsy and somewhat rude while awaiting the Giants arrival. Swears and chants of “where are the players” lined the streets in the mouths of those willing to make an ass of themselves . After not so patiently awaiting their arrival, the players were carried through the streets in convertibles to shouting drunken fans.  The article ended with a beautiful picture of the mess of garbage left by the fans.